Textured paper that I water colored for page 3 of my sketchbook:
The Sketchbook Project: First Pages
I have completed the first 2 pages of my sketchbook with the exception of a little round sign on the inside cover that I intend to fill out once my book has been completed and is otherwise ready to mail. May this image bring you as much joy as it does to me:
The Sketchbook Project 2018: Pages 1 & 2
Cut-Up Sketchbook Progress
Pages 25-26 of my Cut-Up Sketchbook:
May 10th:
My mom's Mother's Day present: a watercolor painting of a little tree frog.
Daily Art: April
Daily Art: Outlines
April 29th:
I outlined all of my foliage from yesterday to define it and pull it out from the background a bit. I also added a wash of watercolor to the foreground.
Daily Art: Foliage
April 28th:
I added another mushroom and a bunch of leaves, as well as a wash of background color, to my sketchbook page.
Daily Art: Card #11
April 18th:
I kind of love how the watercolors worked out on this card.
Daily Art: Card #5
April 9th:
Ink and watercolor again.
Daily Art: Card #4
April 8th:
This card was washed with watercolor, then accented with ink.
Daily Art: Card #2
April 6th:
This time I painted the back of the playing card with watercolor.
Daily Art: March
Daily Art: February
Daily Art: Page 24 Complete
February 17th:
I decided that I wanted to pattern all of the mountains after all, but I tried not to make it too busy. Page 24 is unofficially done.
Daily Art: Back on Track
February 13th:
A quick wash of watercolor on page 24.
Daily Art: Volcanos
February 7th:
Those steaming vents that I started drawing on page 24: volcanos!
Daily Art: Firebirds Done
February 3rd:
Now this illustration is done. I finished refining the clouds and the sky colors.
Daily Art: Bird
February 2nd:
I started page 24 of my Cut-Up Sketchbook.
Daily Art: January
"Calendar" image of Daily Art created in January.
(Note: This image was actually created in February, but since I'm posting late I'm putting it here at the end of the month where it should go anyway.)
Daily Art: Firebirds Over A City
January 31st:
The drawing's almost done - it just needs a bit of refinement here and there...