Daily Art: Organization

February 10th:

I got a week or two behind on posting my Daily Art, so I spent some time on the tenth of February organizing my artwork for 2015. I created a calendar set-up for the year in InDesign with the intention of posting images of my Daily Art in the corresponding cell for each day. I may even turn it into a real calendar for next year: images of my previous year's work to motivate me to create something every day next year.

Unfortunately, within an hour of finishing this - before I even got a chance to catch up on posting the images that I organized - I came down with the worst stomach flu I've had since I was a child and, consequently, didn't produce a single piece of artwork for the next two days.

My First 3D Print

I 3D printed my resume. It may be a bit gimmicky, but I'm hoping it will make me stand out as a modeler to have 3D modeled my own resume.


Note: The blacked out portion of the "M" in these images is concealing the portion of this 3D print that contains my phone number, which I do not wish to make public on the internet. Anyone wishing to contact me may do so via e-mail or by clicking the "Contact" tab on this website.

 The model is approximately 5 1/2" x 7 1/2" and is pictured here with a printed sheet of paper slid into some tabs that I created behind the resume text for the very purpose of holding a printed sheet. The 3D print itself is everything that you see in white; the piece of paper is black text helping to define the words "HIRE ME!" against a blue background.

The tabs holding the paper into place on the other side of the print are more modeled words and one small character which I will post images of here at a later date once I finish designing the graphic that will appear on the back side of the card.