Daily Art: Cut-Outs

February 21st:

This is the sketch on page 28 of my Cut-Up Sketchbook. On February 21st I just did a bit of x-acto knife work on the page cutting out the portholes that had no yellow in them. The portholes with the yellow were already cut out back when I cut out the portholes on page 27.

Daily Art: Birds and a Crab

February 19th:

I drew a couple more characters peering from the ovals on page 25.

A bit of background here: The ovals on this page are traced from the cut-outs on page 26. There's a previously existing sketch on pages 27-28 that I already have a plan for, so I cut out the spaces that I wanted removed from page 27 (and consequently page 26, since it and 27 are the front and back sides of a single page) awhile back to ensure that my work on pages 24, 25, and 26 would support my plans for the 27-28 spread rather than conflicting with them.

Daily Art: Eyes

February 18th:

I started some real work on page 25. The Valentine's Day hearts were just something that I drew on the page because I wanted someplace to draw hearts and they seemed to work with the Phoenix cut-out. These illustrations were more premeditated.

Daily Art: Organization

February 10th:

I got a week or two behind on posting my Daily Art, so I spent some time on the tenth of February organizing my artwork for 2015. I created a calendar set-up for the year in InDesign with the intention of posting images of my Daily Art in the corresponding cell for each day. I may even turn it into a real calendar for next year: images of my previous year's work to motivate me to create something every day next year.

Unfortunately, within an hour of finishing this - before I even got a chance to catch up on posting the images that I organized - I came down with the worst stomach flu I've had since I was a child and, consequently, didn't produce a single piece of artwork for the next two days.

Daily Art: Santa Barbara

February 8th:

It was a gorgeous day in Santa Barbara. My nephew and his friends found shark eggs attached to some kelp washed up onto the beach, and I snapped this photograph and a bunch more like it to make a new collage (eventually).

Daily Art: Happy Couple Sketch

February 6th:

The beginnings of a sketch for a Valentine's Day image. In the end I wasn't happy enough with this beginning to go any further with this drawing.