Daily Art: Santa Barbara

February 8th:

It was a gorgeous day in Santa Barbara. My nephew and his friends found shark eggs attached to some kelp washed up onto the beach, and I snapped this photograph and a bunch more like it to make a new collage (eventually).

Daily Art: Happy Couple Sketch

February 6th:

The beginnings of a sketch for a Valentine's Day image. In the end I wasn't happy enough with this beginning to go any further with this drawing.

Daily Art: Skyline

January 30th:

The beginnings of a very colorful illustration created in the manner that I create images for my Cut-Up Sketchbook, but intentionally created outside of said sketchbook for individual entry into an art competition.

Daily Art: San Francisco Collage

January 26th:

This is a small piece of a much larger collage that I put together of photos taken looking down over the city from Twin Peaks in San Francisco. This view is near the center of the collage horizontally, and shows nearly the full view vertically, as the collage is much more wide than it is tall.